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Find the most relevant weighting methods for your decision-making problem with our
WEighting Methods Selection Software (WEMSS)

The process is structured. As the tool walks you through, you provide answers to the questions you see below.
The questions are grouped in three sections to describe the decision-making problem as follows:
1. Classifiers : They shape the operational capabilities of the required method
2. Intrinsic criteria: They shape the intrinsic nature of the required method
3. Implementation criteria: They are used to define the requirements for implementation of the method


Weighting Methods


key decision-making features


simple user interface

Find your weighting methods

Here is our intuitive and interactive set of questions. Answering them will lead you to a subset of methods relevant to your problem. Under each question you can find its description, while the description of an answer appears when you move the mouse on it.

Enjoy your journey with the WEMSS!

Your recommended method(s) will automatically appear at the bottom.

The numbers in brackets next to each answer indicate the number of methods that will be recommended if you choose such answer. Please note that this a dynamic process, so the number changes according to the combination of answers that you will give.

If there is terminology you do not understand, you might find the explanation in the FAQs section at the bottom of the software

Section 1: They shape the operational capabilities of the required method

Meaning of weights
What meaning should the weights have?
Temporal discounting
Should the method allow for the inclusion of discounting?
Cultural differentiations
Should the method account for different cultural backgrounds of the affected population?

Section 2: They shape the intrinsic nature of the required method

Independence from the set of systems being evaluated
Should the weights be independent from the set of systems being evaluated?
Reproducibility of the weights
How reproducible should the weights be?
Scientific validity
What level of scientific recognition should the method have?
Method transparency
What level of transparency is required for the method algorithms and related value choices?
Coverage of GLAM areas of protection
What should the method's capacity to provide weights for GLAM areas of protection be?
Uncertainty characterization
What uncertainty characterization is required for the weights?
What is the required level of ease of communication of the meaning and calculation of the weights to a wide group of stakeholders?
Accounting for differences in utility for the same impact
What is the required capacity of the method to assign different weights to the same impact experienced by individuals living in different socio-economic contexts to reflect their loss of utility?
Area of protection metrics
What is the required capacity of the method of providing weights that are directly related or relatable to the area of protection metrics? (“Area of protection” refers to damage results aggregated within each of the areas of protection (ecosystems quality, human health, natural resources))

Section 3: They are used to define the requirements for implementation of the method

Geographical resolution
What is the required level of geographical differentiation?
Global coverage
What is the required capacity of the method to provide global weights?
Application demonstrated in case studies
What is the required extent to which the method has already been applied (up to August 2021) in case studies?
Available resources to apply the method
How many resources are available to apply the method?
Available technical and calculation infrastructure
What technical and calculation infrastructure is available?
Should the method be capable of including a representative sample of the affected population?
Can biases be introduced by the method?
You can click this button to see the most selective questions (with increasing number of methods) according to the provided answers.
You can click this button to see the most selective questions in this section (with increasing number of methods) according to the provided answers.

Weighting methods

Once you answer a part or all questions from the three Sections, the method(s) recommended for your decision-making problem will automatically appear in the list below.
If you click on the ⓘ you will see a description of each method with the answers that you chose in bold.
When present, the column “Missed features” shows the decision-making features that you selected and which are not supported by the recommended methods.


Weighting is the evaluation of the relative importance of impacts, according to (i) specific value choices of individuals, groups, populations, or organizations and/or (ii) the statistical structure of the input dataset (i.e., data-driven).
They are parameters used to define the relative importance of impacts. Two main groups of weighting methods can be distinguished:
  • Those providing weights as unit-specific compensation (conversion) rates
  • Those providing weights as dimensionless numbers, either reflecting compensation rates or importance coefficients
There are several methods that can be used to calculate weights. We distinguish four main groups:
  1. Distance to target: Define the importance of impacts depending on the distance between the existing impact level and a target level
  2. Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis: Define the importance of the impacts according to the preferences of a group of stakeholders or a set of constraints
  3. Monetary: Define the importance of impacts in monetary terms
  4. Data-driven: Uses the statistical structure of the input dataset to calculate the importance of the impacts
Compensation rates indicate the weight of one unit in the respective impact category indicator result (e.g., per 1 kg of CO2 equivalents or 1 kg of SO2 equivalents). If Wx is the weight of 1 unit in impact category indicator x and Wy is the weight of 1 unit in impact category indicator y, then 1 unit of x is worth the same as (Wx/Wy) units in y. This type of weighting factor is used by methods where being better in one impact category indicator result can compensate for being worse in another impact category indicator. For example, W could be USD/CO2-eq for climate change or €/DALY for respiratory inorganics. Other examples are the W of climate change expressed in kg of CO2-eq with a weight of 1 and the W of acidification per kg of SO2-eq with a weight of 2. This expression means that the improvement of 2 units (i.e., 2 kg of CO2-eq) of climate change compensates for the worsening of 1 unit (i.e., 1 kg of SO2-eq) of acidification.
Importance coefficients indicate the intrinsic importance of the impact indicator itself when comparing two or more alternatives. If an impact category indicator is given more weight than another one, then it is more important to be better in this impact category indicator than in another. This type of weighting factor is used by methods where a better result in one impact category may or may not fully compensate for a worse result in another impact category. For example, W for climate change could be 35%, W for ozone depletion could be 15% and W for eutrophication could be 20%, etc., with the meaning that being better in terms of climate change (alone) is as important as being better in terms of ozone depletion and eutrophication (simultaneously).
The foreseen uses of the GLAM weights include (i) impact contribution analysis and (ii) aggregation.
It is the type of decision support that the decision maker would like to receive when using the weights.
  • Scoring = Assign a score to each alternative according to their performance
  • Ranking = Order the alternatives from the most to the least preferred
  • Sorting = Assign the alternatives to pre-defined preference-ordered decision classes
  • Choice = Select the most preferred subset of alternatives
  • Clustering = Divide alternatives into groups according to some similarity measure or preference relation)

Our Contact Information

1 Decision Engineering for Sustainability and Resilience (DESIRE) Laboratory
Leiden University College (LUC)
Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs, Leiden University
Anna van Buerenplein 301
2595 DG The Hague
The Netherlands

2 Laboratory of Intelligent Decision Support Systems
Institute of Computing Science
Poznań University of Technology
2 Piotrowo Street
60-965 Poznań

+39 366 935 5233
(Marco Cinelli)